
Get Long-Term Relief from Digestive Issues

When your digestive system is unhealthy, it can affect your life in ways you never imagined. We’ll work together to identify the main causes of your digestive issues and create a customized treatment plan to heal your gut and set you up for long-term health.


Reflux Disease

Get relief from recurring indigestion, heartburn, excessive burping and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). In Traditional Chinese Medicine, we see digestive issues as caused by an imbalance in your stomach qi. We’ll work together to get to the root of what’s causing your digestive issues and design a customized plan to heal your digestive tract. Through acupuncture, herbs and diet, we can return your digestion to normal and give you the relief you deserve.

Food Intolerances

Many digestive issues are caused by unknown food intolerances. Our customized treatment plan includes gastrointestinal mapping and an elimination diet cleanse to help you identify which foods your body may be sensitive to. We’ll also use acupuncture to balance your nervous system, reduce inflammation, aid digestion and improve gut health.

Bowel Dysfunction

Research has shown that Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture is an effective way to treat irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, constipation, diarrhea and bowel dysfunction. We’ll start you on a treatment program that includes acupuncture to relax the nervous system and reconnect the brain/gut axis, allowing your intestines to heal and return to normal functioning. We’ll also explore food intolerances, diet and other lifestyle changes that can support your digestive health.

Ready to Transform Your Health?

Learn more about booking an initial evaluation and how we can work together to stop the struggle and move you into a life of health and ease.